Terms & Conditions
Telephone and /or Online Consultation(s)
By asking us to provide interior design services via Package 1 and/or Package 2 you will be bound by these terms and conditions, and you will be deemed to have read and understood its contents.
The consultation fee is based on al 1 hour initial telephone or online consultation with a Catherine de Meur Interiors design team representative.
The consultation fee takes into consideration industry knowledge, industry experience and our ability to streamline the specification process. Our team work collaboratively, and as such, usually every member of the Catherine de Meur Interiors team works on every project.
Full payment of the consultation fee is required upfront to secure an appointment for a telephone or online consultation meeting with a Catherine de Meur Interiors team representative.
To the extent permitted by law all payments to us for consultation fees are non-refundable.
At the telephone or online consultation meeting, our intellectual property for the scope of works will be discussed and adapted as required. This is a fluid process, where ideas are collated and discussed in an informal manner.
If at any time during the telephone consultation process there are any issues or concerns, the client must raise these immediately with the Catherine de Meur Interiors team member they are consulting with.
Within 1 week, after the telephone or online consultation with us, a clear and detailed Schedule of Finishes, prepared by us and based on the client’s acceptance of the design direction during the initial consultation meeting, will be sent by us to the client.
The intellectual property in our Schedule of Finishes supplied by us, will at all times remain our sole property. Upon full payment of the consultation fee, you are granted a non-transferable, non-exploitable limited licence to use such intellectual property solely in relation to the project for which it was created.
Should, in our reasonable opinion, the client[s] wish to change the design direction for the design project after the Schedule of Finishes has been sent to the client, additional fees may be applicable. Such fees will be at the discretion of Catherine de Meur Interiors and notified to the client in advance.
We do not create drawings for architectural works and nor are we qualified to do so.
The images provided in the Schedule of Finishes are a guideline only, to provide a feel and mood for the intended design aesthetic, and at no time should be taken as a representation of the work to be undertaken and hence not intended to be relied upon for construction or building work. We will not be liable for any claims, loss, or damage if you rely on these drawings for construction or building work. Material images in your schedule may not be a true representation of the actual material.
All photographs and/or any samples if provided are indicative only. Final products may vary from the photographs and samples. We wish to highlight that the colour of goods may change over time. This may happen due to exposure to sunlight, cleaning products used and changes in temperature. You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for colour changes and that if there are quality issues with the products these will be taken up with the supplier, not us.
Quantities and measurements will at no time be taken from supplied drawings, if any. The exact quantities and measurements of all materials are the responsibility of the client.
We do not recommend trade partners. The extent of our interior design services is limited to Package 1 or Package 2. Our services do not include contractor services, landscape design, or architecture. We do not provide legal, compliance, architectural, construction, engineering, or structural advice. While we may provide information in relation to these areas, this would be general in nature. We recommend you seek out trade-specific advice for your individual circumstances. It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with all legislation. We will not be held liable for any loss, claims or damages if you chose to rely on our general advice.
We are not responsible for any works carried out on your project.
Samples are only available, from the Schedule of Finishes, if you choose Package 2 (Elevated Package) and will generally be mailed to the client from the nominated supplier, subject to the supplier’s availability, processes and timelines. Samples are indicative only and may vary as batches change. Full sized samples may not be available.
We cannot guarantee that any of the items specified in our Schedule of Finishes is/are compliant with Australian Standards and/or relevant legislation. Please contact the manufacturer, vendor and/or supplier regarding any concerns you may have. We will not be held liable for any loss, claims or damages if any item or product specified in our Schedule of Finishes do/does not meet the Australian Standards and relevant legislation
We will not be liable to you for any losses.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, and notwithstanding any other provision of these terms and conditions, our aggregate liability under or in connection with these terms and conditions, howsoever arising (including by reason of tort, negligence, breach of contract or otherwise), shall not exceed the sum of all consultation fees paid to us in respect of the relevant interior design services provided by us giving rise to the liability. In other words, our total and aggregate liability by loss suffered or sustained by you is limited to the consultation fees paid to us, unless the law says otherwise.
You will be liable for and agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and each of our employees and contractors harmless for and against any and all claims, liabilities, suits, actions and expenses, including costs of litigation and reasonable legal costs, resulting directly from any information that is not accurate, up to date or complete or is misleading or a misrepresentation provided to us, our employees, contractors or agents.
We agree to keep all your personal information, such as your personal details and information about your family and lifestyle etc, private. This will involve ensuring (to the best of our ability) our employees, independent contractors, agents and any other persons acting or working on our behalf (such as volunteers) or any other third parties who may come in contact with your personal information, do/does not publicly share and keeps private your personal information.
If any provision of these terms and conditions is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will be severed, and the remainder of theses terms and conditions will remain in full force and effect.
These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws in force in the state of New South Wales, Australia and each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.